Have you experienced a miscarriage? If so, consider joining the HOPE registry. 


We are seeking patients of all genders who have experienced one or more pregnancy loss.

A patient registry is a powerful tool to allow researchers to study observational data on a group of patients with a disease or condition. The HOPE registry will collect patient histories and pregnancy outcomes, combined with banked DNA samples to analyze genomic predictors of different types of pregnancy loss and patient responses to common treatments.  Registries allow researchers to make novel discoveries faster than collecting patient data and samples one study at a time.  The most direct way to study pregnancy losses is to have access to miscarriage tissue or DNA.  Depending on where you had care for your miscarriage or testing, there may be tissue still available that you can donate to our research.   

After verifying eligibility and receiving consent to participate, participants will…

  1. Active participants in the registry will be sent a survey periodically to track changes in their health, pregnancy journeys, and lives overall.

  2. If you agree, we will send you a DNA collection kit that will allow you to send us a DNA sample in the mail. Registry patients contribute to the size of our specimen bank and provide valuable clinical data that will accelerate the pace of discovery in the understudied field.   

  3. If another miscarriage should occur during the follow up time, you may donate additional tissues to the biobank, as these will be valuable for validation studies.

Eligible participants will have the opportunity to undergo genetic sequencing and receive actionable results if found. Learn more about the sequencing research activities HOPE project.
